31 Temmuz 2014 Perşembe

UEFA Şike ve Usulsüzlük Hattına Şikâyet.

Değerli arkadaşlar;

FIFA'dan sonra UEFA da şike ve usulsüzlüklerin bildirilmesi için bir şikâyet hattı oluşturdu ve bu hatta ister isminizi vererek isterse bilgilerinizi saklayarak şikâyette bulunabiliyorsunuz.

Bizler de yeni kampanyamızda TFF'nin yaptığı usulsüzlükleri ve UEFA'nın şike davasını zamana yaymasının kabul edilemez olduğunu bu hatta bildiriyoruz.

NOT: Yeni metnimizde Şenes Erzik'in fenerbahçe'nin küme düşürülmemesi için UEFA ile yaptığı aracılığı şikâyet ediyoruz.

Şikâyet Metni:

FAO UEFA Officer,

Below is a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his son proves the involvement of UEFA's vice president Senes Erzik's in protecting match fixers.

Coversation regarding Senes Erzik
On 02.03.2014 a voice record of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdoğan was released that includes his conversation with his son Bilal Erdoğan.

They talk about Fenerbahçe SK congress and during this conversation he mentions his talks with Mr. Şenes Erzik and Mr. Michel Platini and how he managed to save Fenerbahçe SK from relegation.

You can find exact translation of relevant parts with the times of these conversation in the voice record below.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan : RTE
His son Bilal Erdoğan : BE

Starting at 1.26 Ending at 4.50

RTE : He says ( By he, RTE means Fenerbahçe SK president Aziz Yıldırım - Aziz Yıldırım makes a speach regarging meeting between RTE, Şenes Erzik, Mehmet Ali Aydınlar ( former president of Turkish Footbal federation ( also run for precidency of Fenerbahçe SK against Aziz Yıldırım at last election and Göksel Gümüşdağ- Former President of İstanbul BB FC )
RTE continues to speak : He ( aziz Yıldırım) says to Mehmet Ali Aydınlar ; What did you speak about at Prime Minister’s Office? There was Göksel with us there too. There were 3 of us. He tells him to explain this conversation. This is an immoral attitude. Mehmet Ali Aydınlar would not tell you what we spoke about naturally.I would not think Şenes Erzik would say either. It would not be possible for Göksel to say either.

BE : Who else is left?

RTE : No one else is left. You are not in our agenda. ( by you he means Aziz Yıldırım ) The subject that Fenerbahçe was involved ( he means Fenerbahçe SK’ match fixing scandal ) and its situation at UEFA, the attitude of Turkish Football Federation against this insident ( he means what he want Turkish Football Federation to do in Fenerbahçe SK case ). This is all…
What was in the agenda? Fenerbahçe SK was going to be relegated and they were not be able to attend European competitions and also National team might be affected. If you remember there were going to be a congress of UEFA too. ( he means UEFA’s congress in Istanbul which was held March 2012 ) At that congress I gave a speech and said if there is going to be a punishment you should punish people not clubs. I said UEFA should correct this. People might do wrong, but clubs, which has millions members, should not be punished. Platini said to me that I was right, but he could not agree with me as they have decision on this ( by decision he means rules, he misuses the word). This is how I look at to parties ( he means political parties and he means parties should not be punished either ) . I said I always talk about this, this is how I look at football clubs too. I told Şenes Erzik to work on this too ( He means Şenes he told Şenes Erzik to work inside UEFA not to punish Fenerbahçe SK, but to punish individuals only). You see where this case is at the moment ( by case he means Fenerbahçe SK’s match fixing case ). Fenerbahçe SK was banned for two years ( he means the ban from European competitions), but neither Turkish Football Federation nor UEFA  had Fenerbahçe SK relegated. This is what Mehmet Ali Aydınlar talk about at the congress…

The coversation continues and they talk about Mehmet Ali Aydınlar and congress.

On 6.16 minute RTE says his son : Ask Şenes Erzik ( he means Aziz Yıldırım to ask Şenes Erzik ) to explain what they spoke about at the meeting. ( He means that Şenes Erzik would approve RTE too that the conversation was as he says )

List of Complaints:

1) Turkish Football Federation protected match fixers by not relegating them as stated in its disciplinary regulations.

2) According to Turkish Prime Minister, Şenes Erzik, vice president of UEFA, played a key role between Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and Mr. Michel Platini, which took the pressure of UEFA off the Turkish Football Federation.

3) According to CAS award regarding Fenerbahce case, UEFA protected match fixers by not penalising them for match fixing. ( See Clauses 575,576,577 below)

4) Although UEFA announced that the sanctions of individuals in this case were going to be announced as soon as possible over a year ago, UEFA is yet to announce this decision.

5) TFF signed a resolution about fighting against match fixing with UEFA in Astana, but failed to apply this aggreement on match fixers. ( See Clauses 5f, 5g and 10 for more info on sanctions must be applied to match fixers)


Yapılacak Olanlar:

1) Ekteki linki kes yapıştır yoluyla internet arama çubuğuna kopyalayın: https://uefa.integrityline.org/#  ve sağ üst köşedeki dil seçeneğinin İngilizce (English) olduğundan emin olun.

2) ''File a Report'' yazan kutucuğu tıklayın şikâyet işlemine başlayın.

3) ''What is it about?'' kısmında, ortadaki seçenek olan ''Corruption'' seçeneğini işaretleyin ve ''Next'' kutucuğunu tıklayın

4) ''Your personal details'' kısmı kişisel bilgilerinizi girdiğiniz kısımdır. Kişisel bilgilerinizin gizli kalmasını istiyorsanız ''I would like to remain anonymous'' yazan kısmın başındaki kutuda yer alan işareti bırakın, size mail ya da başka bir yolla geri dönüş yapılmasını istiyorsanız kutucukta yer alan işareti üstüne tıklayarak kaldırın ve bilgilerinizi girin.

Bilgilerini vermek isteyenler için:

  • First Name: İsminiz
  • Last Name: Soy isminiz
  • Position: ''Football Fan'' yazabilirsiniz.
  • E-Mail kısmına mail adresinizi yazın.
  • Phone Number kısmına da Türkiye'nin alan kodu olan 0090'la başlayarak telefonunuzu yazın.

Son olarak da sağ alt köşede yer alan ''Next'' kutucuğunu tıklayıp bir sonraki aşamaya geçin.

5) Şikâyetinizi detaylı olarak anlatmanız istenen ''Detailed Description'' bölümü açılacak ve sizden konuyla ilgili bilgi vermeniz istenecek.

  • İlk kutucuk olan ''Please describe the incident as accurately and in as much detail possible'' kısmına ''
    Below is a telephone conversation between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his son proves the involvement of UEFA's vice president Senes Erzik's in protecting match fixers.

    See attached file for details
    '' yazın
6) ''Name of home and away team'' kısmına ''Known by UEFA'' yazın.

7) ''Match Date'' kısmını boş bırakın

8) ''Competition'' kısmına ''Known by UEFA'' yazın.

9) ''How did you hear about this incident'' kısmına ''Known by UEFA'' yazın.

10) ''Do you have any proof to support your information'' kısmına ''Yes.'' yazın ve sağ alt köşede yer alan ''Next'' kutucuğunu tıklayın.

11) Yeni açılan ''Upload Documents'' kısmına yükleyebilmek için yukarıda yer alan ''metni bir word dosyasına kaydedin'' ve ''Search'' kutucuğuna tıklayarak bilgisayarınıza kaydetmiş olduğunuz bu dosyayı yükleyin ve ''Upload'' kutucuğuna tıklayarak yüklemeyi tamamlandıktan sonra sağ alt köşedeki ''Next'' kutucuğuna tıklayarak bir sonraki bölüme geçin.

  • Ya da ekteki linkten dosyayı bulabilirsiniz; (Ekteki linki kes yapıştır yoluyla internet arama çubuğuna kopyalayın)  
  • https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/8b67a15b6843ed64be69ec13c625fcfd20140802074200/e6652eb7fc3cd214cfa7088468b22e4220140802074200/05c640

12) Yeni açılan ''Review your entries'' kısmında şimdiye kadar girmiş olduğunuz bilgiler listelenecektir. Kontrol ettikten sonra ''Next'' kutucuğunu işaretleyerek bir sonraki bölüme geçebilirsiniz.

  • 13) Yeni açılan sayfa olan ''Submit form'' kısmı son bölüm ve şikâyetin resmi olarak kaydedildiğini gösteren bölüm.
  • Burada yer alan ''This is your incident number. Preserve it carefully'' denilen kısımda verilen kod sizin referans numaranız. Bu referansı mutlaka bir yere kaydedin.
  • ''Password'' yazan kısma bir şifre belirleyerek yazın ve ''Verify Password'' yazan kısma da seçmiş olduğunuz şifreyi tekrar yazın.
  • ''Click here to confirm that...'' ile başlayan cümlenin başındaki kutucuğu işaretleyerek şifrenizi ve verilen referans numarasını kaydettiğinizi onaylayın.
NOT: Şikâyetinize verilen cevabı görmek için verilen referansa ve şifrenize ihtiyacınız olacak. Şikâyetinize verilecek olan cevabı 7 gün sonra görebileceksiniz.

Son olarak tebrikler... Yeni bir vatan hainliğine! imza attınız. Tabi bu vatan hırsızların ve şikecilerin oluşturduğu vatan...

15 Temmuz 2014 Salı

UEFA'ya 17 Temmuz öncesi son uyarı

Mailin Konu Kısmına: 'Last warning for the 17th of July' yazın

Mail Konusu: UEFA'ya açıkça 17 Temmuz için 'Sıfır Tolerans' kuralını uygulaması gerektiğini aksi takdirde bu işin peşini bırakmayacağımızı anlatıyoruz.

Mail Metni:

Unless fenerbahce SK is relegated 'Zero Tolerance' is a BIG LIE!

UEFA must apply relevant regulations and disciplinary procedures to all teams involved in Turkish match fixing scandal to prove that they are not part of this corruption too.

Millions in Turkey and all over the world are focused on the 17th of July and if UEFA will continue to protect match fixers as it is stated in CAS Award, there will be more effective protests against UEFA than mails, faxes and telephone calls.


Mail Adresleri:

office@oefb.aturbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com;  bfu@bfunion.bgj.fortf11@gmail.com; 
eac-sport@ec.europa.eu ; info@scottishfa.co.ukjmdorsey@questfze.com;
ethics@olympic.org;  sport@coe.int; dee@culture.grBRE@minbuza.nlbilgi@anayasa.gov.tr;
info@dfb.de; communique@thefa.com; office@oefb.at; webmaster@fff.fr; epo@epo.gr; rfef@rfef.es; figc.affarigenerali@figc.it; international@figc.it; sfv.asf@football.ch; concern@knvb.nl; office@oefb.at; urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com; bfu@bfunion.bg; info@hns-cff.hr; dbu@dbu.dk; facr@fotbal.cz; mlsz@mlsz.hu; svff@svenskfotboll.se; info@scottishfa.co.uk; info@fai.ie; info@faw.co.uk; 

Cep Telefonu için:

office@oefb.at, urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com,  bfu@bfunion.bg,  temizfutbolmucadelesi@gmail.com, 
n.novi@governo.it, kum@kum.dk,  ash@kum.dk, discipline@uefa.com,
eac-sport@ec.europa.eu,  info@scottishfa.co.uk, jmdorsey@questfze.com,
ethics@olympic.org,  sport@coe.int, dee@culture.grBRE@minbuza.nlbilgi@anayasa.gov.tr,
info@dfb.de , communique@thefa.com, office@oefb.at, webmaster@fff.fr, epo@epo.gr, rfef@rfef.es, figc.affarigenerali@figc.it, international@figc.it, sfv.asf@football.ch, concern@knvb.nl, office@oefb.at, urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com, bfu@bfunion.bg, info@hns-cff.hr, dbu@dbu.dk, facr@fotbal.cz, mlsz@mlsz.hu, svff@svenskfotboll.se, info@scottishfa.co.uk, info@fai.ie, info@faw.co.uk

9 Temmuz 2014 Çarşamba

CAS Award confirms UEFA's protection of match fixers!

Dear All;

After reading the CAS award regarding Fenerbahce SK case, millions in Turkey have no doubt that UEFA is part of this corruption too. UEFA, not only protected Fenerbahce SK from heavier sanction by not judging them from match fixing offence, but also prevented CAS to inrease the sanction by not filing in an idependent apeal against the Appealed Decision. (See CAS Award below for details)

575. In practise, this spectrum would mean that a "standard" match-fixing offence would, in principle, have to be sanctioned with a two-year period of ineligibility. In case of particularly serious match-fixing offences a higher sanction would have to be imposed and in case of mitigating circumstances the standard two-year period of ineligibility would have to be reduced.

576. In light of this spectrum of sanctions and considering that the match-fixing attempts initiated by Fenerbahce's officials were particularly serious in comparison with previous match-fixing cases, the Panel has no doubt to determine that a sanction from the higher region of this spectrum is warranted. The Panel thereby specifically considers the fact that Fenerbahce officials attempted to fix four matches, that multiple high-ranked Fenerbahce officials were involved in the match-fixing scheme and that the match-fixing operations were conducted and orchestrated from the top administrative level of the club.

577. However, as UEFA did not file an independent appeal against the Appealed Decision, the Panel finds that it is limited in its discretion to sanction Fenerbahce as it deems fit because it cannot go beyond the sanction imposed by the UEFA Appeals Body. This would constitute a ruling ultra petita. As such, the Panel cannot impose a higher sanction than a two-year period of ineligibility (in addition to the period of ineligibility already served through the equivalent of the "administrative measure") in the present appeals arbitration proceedings.

On the other hand UEFA accepted  Fenerbahce SK's complaint regarding Trabzonspor straight after lauching an investigation on Fenerbahce SK even though Trabzonspor was cleared off all charges at court, at Ethical Committee reports and at Professional Discipline Committee trials… An application from a convicted match fixing criminal, such as Fenerbahce SK, should had been declined by UEFA, but UEFA chose to take this appliction in to account, probably to justify their wrong doings in penalising Fenerbahce SK with minimum sanction, rather than a heavier one as CAS stated in its award. We see this as a threat to Trabzonspor for defendeing their rights.

In the light of this threat, we would like to inform UEFA officails once more that, we are aware of the relations and the talks between Turkish Prime Minister, UEFA’s president Mr. Michel Platini and UEFA vice-president Şenes Erzik, which changed Mr. Platini’s approach to the case dramatically. Sponsorship of Fenerbahce vice-president’s bank to UEFA during the process and meeting took place in Cyprus between Platini and people from Fenerbahce SK board are other key factors that changed Platini’s, hence UEFA’s approach to this case too…

Another milestone to this case was the meeting between former presidents of Turkish Football Federation (TFF) and Mr. Platini took place in Cyprus. Mehmet Ali Aydınlar, former TFF president, told press that he had a chance to convince Mr. Platini for point deduction rather than relegation at this meeting.

UEFA also helped Turkish Authorities keep match fixers in football by not revealing sanctions of individuals. It has been over a year and UEFA is yet to reach a verdict regarding individuals, where UEFA declared that the verdicts were to be announced as soon as possible over a year ago.

With UEFA's help Turkish Authorities kept Aziz Yıldırım outside the prision and with Turkish PM's order a speacially picked court decided for a re-trial with no grounds. It was no surprise for Turkish people that a retrial was decided by the new assigned court, as Turkish PM promised a retrial to Aziz Yıldırım on the 22nd of January 2014, straight after Supreme Court certified his penalty on the 17th of January 2014.

Before expressing the expectations of millions in Turkey and all over the world fron UEFA on the 17th of July 2014 to be announced, let’s have a look at some clauses of the Resolution signed between UEFA and the National Federations in Astana in 27.03.2014. which will give us an indication for our request;

Article - 5.       Pursuant to their own Regulations and practice and subject to the application of national law, to:

f)       Ensure that, in addition to individuals, clubs are also held responsible and sanctioned in circumstances where those with authority to act on behalf of the club are involved in match-fixing, attempted match-fixing, or any other form of corruption linked to match-fixing;

g)      Exclude match-fixing, attempted match-fixing, and any other form of corruption linked to match-fixing from any kind of statute of limitations.

Article - 10.     All member associations of UEFA re-affirm that match-fixing, attempted match-fixing or other forms of corruption linked to match-fixing must be met with strong and sporting sanctions, such as the possibility of lifetime bans for officials, players, coaches or referees, and measures such as the deduction of points and/or relegation and/or exclusion from competition for clubs.

Therefore; it is fair to say that all teams involved in match fixing must be relegated and all individuals involved in match fixing must be banned from football up to life time in order to maintain the integrity of the game and make sure fair play is obtained.

According to Swiss Law, UEFA Board Members and UEFA Appeals Body Members are committing a crime by misusing their duties and we reserve the right to take this issue to Swiss Courts in further due.


17 Temmuz UEFA kararı öncesi son uyarı maili

Mailin Konu Kısmına: 'Is UEFA part of match fixing scandal?' yazalım

Yeni mailde de CAS kararları, yeniden yargılama, şike süreci boyunca yaşananlar, alınan kararlar ve talimatnameler uyarınca UEFA'ya görevini yapması konusunda uyarıda bulunuyor ve bunu Avrupa'daki ilgili bütün kişi ve kurumlara gönderiyoruz.

UEFA'nın ceza vermesine rağmen fenerbahçe'yi koruduğunun CAS gerekçeli kararıyla ortaya çıktığından, RTE'nin yeniden yargılama sözünü tutarak 13. ACM'ne yeniden yargılama kararı çıkartıp aziz yıldırım'ı kurtarma çalıştığından, Disiplin talimatnamelerinde yer alan kurallar gereği fenerbahçe başta olmak üzere şike yapan bütün takımların düşürülmez zorunda olduğundan ve 17 Temmuz öncesi gözümüzün UEFA'nın üzerinde olduğundan bahsediyoruz.

Ayrıca yeni eklediğimiz bölümle, yargı ve tüm kurullarda aklanmış olan Trabzonspor'un şike hükümlüsü fenerbahçe tarafından hiç bir yeni delil olmamasına rağmen şikayet edilmesi ve bu şikayetin UEFA tarafından işleme konulmuş olmasının art niyetli ve kabul edilemez bir davranış olduğunu da belirtiyoruz.

Ayrıca bu maile UEFA ve CAS'taki davalarda yer alan bütün avukatların, hakemlerin ve raportörlerin de maillerini ekledik. Böylece bu davayla yakından uzaktan, doğrudan ya da dolaylı ilgili olan herkese ulaşmış olacağız.

Dear All;

After reading the CAS award regarding Fenerbahce SK case, millions in Turkey have no doubt that UEFA is part of this corruption too. UEFA, not only protected Fenerbahce SK from heavier sanction by not judging them from match fixing offence, but also prevented CAS to inrease the sanction by not filing in an idependent apeal against the Appealed Decision. (See CAS Award below for details)

575. In practise, this spectrum would mean that a "standard" match-fixing offence would, in principle, have to be sanctioned with a two-year period of ineligibility. In case of particularly serious match-fixing offences a higher sanction would have to be imposed and in case of mitigating circumstances the standard two-year period of ineligibility would have to be reduced.

576. In light of this spectrum of sanctions and considering that the match-fixing attempts initiated by Fenerbahce's officials were particularly serious in comparison with previous match-fixing cases, the Panel has no doubt to determine that a sanction from the higher region of this spectrum is warranted. The Panel thereby specifically considers the fact that Fenerbahce officials attempted to fix four matches, that multiple high-ranked Fenerbahce officials were involved in the match-fixing scheme and that the match-fixing operations were conducted and orchestrated from the top administrative level of the club.

577. However, as UEFA did not file an independent appeal against the Appealed Decision, the Panel finds that it is limited in its discretion to sanction Fenerbahce as it deems fit because it cannot go beyond the sanction imposed by the UEFA Appeals Body. This would constitute a ruling ultra petita. As such, the Panel cannot impose a higher sanction than a two-year period of ineligibility (in addition to the period of ineligibility already served through the equivalent of the "administrative measure") in the present appeals arbitration proceedings.

On the other hand UEFA accepted  Fenerbahce SK's complaint regarding Trabzonspor straight after lauching an investigation on Fenerbahce SK even though Trabzonspor was cleared off all charges at court, at Ethical Committee reports and at Professional Discipline Committee trials… An application from a convicted match fixing criminal, such as Fenerbahce SK, should had been declined by UEFA, but UEFA chose to take this appliction in to account, probably to justify their wrong doings in penalising Fenerbahce SK with minimum sanction, rather than a heavier one as CAS stated in its award. We see this as a threat to Trabzonspor for defendeing their rights.

In the light of this threat, we would like to inform UEFA officails once more that, we are aware of the relations and the talks between Turkish Prime Minister, UEFA’s president Mr. Michel Platini and UEFA vice-president Şenes Erzik, which changed Mr. Platini’s approach to the case dramatically. Sponsorship of Fenerbahce vice-president’s bank to UEFA during the process and meeting took place in Cyprus between Platini and people from Fenerbahce SK board are other key factors that changed Platini’s, hence UEFA’s approach to this case too…

Another milestone to this case was the meeting between former presidents of Turkish Football Federation (TFF) and Mr. Platini took place in Cyprus. Mehmet Ali Aydınlar, former TFF president, told press that he had a chance to convince Mr. Platini for point deduction rather than relegation at this meeting.

UEFA also helped Turkish Authorities keep match fixers in football by not revealing sanctions of individuals. It has been over a year and UEFA is yet to reach a verdict regarding individuals, where UEFA declared that the verdicts were to be announced as soon as possible over a year ago.

With UEFA's help Turkish Authorities kept Aziz Yıldırım outside the prision and with Turkish PM's order a speacially picked court decided for a re-trial with no grounds. It was no surprise for Turkish people that a retrial was decided by the new assigned court, as Turkish PM promised a retrial to Aziz Yıldırım on the 22nd of January 2014, straight after Supreme Court certified his penalty on the 17th of January 2014.

Before expressing the expectations of millions in Turkey and all over the world fron UEFA on the 17th of July 2014 to be announced, let’s have a look at some clauses of the Resolution signed between UEFA and the National Federations in Astana in 27.03.2014. which will give us an indication for our request;

Article - 5.       Pursuant to their own Regulations and practice and subject to the application of national law, to:

f)       Ensure that, in addition to individuals, clubs are also held responsible and sanctioned in circumstances where those with authority to act on behalf of the club are involved in match-fixing, attempted match-fixing, or any other form of corruption linked to match-fixing;

g)      Exclude match-fixing, attempted match-fixing, and any other form of corruption linked to match-fixing from any kind of statute of limitations.

Article - 10.     All member associations of UEFA re-affirm that match-fixing, attempted match-fixing or other forms of corruption linked to match-fixing must be met with strong and sporting sanctions, such as the possibility of lifetime bans for officials, players, coaches or referees, and measures such as the deduction of points and/or relegation and/or exclusion from competition for clubs.

According to Swiss Law, UEFA Board Members and UEFA Appeals Body Members are committing a crime by misusing their duties and we reserve the right to take this issue to Swiss Courts in further due.


Mail listesi:

office@oefb.aturbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com;  bfu@bfunion.bgj.fortf11@gmail.com; 
eac-sport@ec.europa.eu ; info@scottishfa.co.ukjmdorsey@questfze.com;
ethics@olympic.org;  sport@coe.int; dee@culture.grBRE@minbuza.nlbilgi@anayasa.gov.tr;
info@dfb.de; communique@thefa.com; office@oefb.at; webmaster@fff.fr; epo@epo.gr; rfef@rfef.es; figc.affarigenerali@figc.it; international@figc.it; sfv.asf@football.ch; concern@knvb.nl; office@oefb.at; urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com; bfu@bfunion.bg; info@hns-cff.hr; dbu@dbu.dk; facr@fotbal.cz; mlsz@mlsz.hu; svff@svenskfotboll.se; info@scottishfa.co.uk; info@fai.ie; info@faw.co.uk; 

Cep Telefonu için:

office@oefb.at, urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com,  bfu@bfunion.bg,  temizfutbolmucadelesi@gmail.com, 
n.novi@governo.it, kum@kum.dk,  ash@kum.dk, discipline@uefa.com,
eac-sport@ec.europa.eu,  info@scottishfa.co.uk, jmdorsey@questfze.com,
ethics@olympic.org,  sport@coe.int, dee@culture.grBRE@minbuza.nlbilgi@anayasa.gov.tr,
info@dfb.de , communique@thefa.com, office@oefb.at, webmaster@fff.fr, epo@epo.gr, rfef@rfef.es, figc.affarigenerali@figc.it, international@figc.it, sfv.asf@football.ch, concern@knvb.nl, office@oefb.at, urbsfa.kbvb@footbel.com, bfu@bfunion.bg, info@hns-cff.hr, dbu@dbu.dk, facr@fotbal.cz, mlsz@mlsz.hu, svff@svenskfotboll.se, info@scottishfa.co.uk, info@fai.ie, info@faw.co.uk